Monday, September 22, 2008


I haven't posted anything here for long and there's a reason to it.. I realized that whenever there was a passing thought in my mind, I scribbled it somewhere and decided that I would think more on it and write a post when I get some more time... which I never got.. So then I decided why not just post all those random thoughts here.. and that's what I have done! I ramble on...

One song that I listened to while writing ‘Love Turns to hatred’: You’re So Gay- Katy Perry..!
Its one of those songs that you listen to at the loudest volume and scream along with… and when the songs is over you feel like you have just come back from church.. Relieved… Satisfied… Content…!

Sometimes, I want to play hide and seek with life… I want to hide away from all my sorrows and loneliness and wait silently for happiness to come find me! I’ll scream with joy then… n there’ll be laughter everywhere… n beauty just how I would want it to be…

I wish I was invisible so I could cry out loud in the open without having people judge me and call me weak!

All day I think of ways to avoid you and ignore you completely and when night falls I see you in my dreams and live the life I wish to live deep down… Your warm kiss is like felicity that knows no taint of sin… You make me hum in soft sweet undertones when I know that I should instead be running away from you! Sometimes I wonder why…

Pretty random huh... that's exactly how my mind works.. fleeting thoughts find their way in and out.. and life goes on...


Anonymous said...

well ya pretty random but it still makes a lot of sense honey..!

as always i wud love to write but today i don wanna tell how sometimes u feel totally negative bout life which it isn't!!!!

u know better, u ll figure it out..!

Thinking Soul... said...

@anon.. Thanks for stopping by..! Ya life does become negative sometimes.. but the silver lining to that is.. that is the time you write better, if nothin else!!